“Failure Doesn’t Mean You ARE A Failure, It Just Means You Haven’t Succeeded Yet.”  – Robert H. Schuller

True for both business and life, you will fail.  Repeatedly.  Often.  Hard.

It happens.  To everyone.  What is important is that you realize these moments do not define you.  It is what you do after the fails, what you learn from them and how you apply that, which defines you.  YOU are NOT a failure.  You have had failures.  You will also have successes.  Both are profound learning experiences.

Failure, and success, are opportunities to learn as beings and explore the many facets of life.  They shape our minds, guide our hands and offer paths to the future.  This is all they are.  If you feel like you have had more failures than others or have experienced nothing but hardship, fear not.  You are just like everyone else.  What you view as someone having it “easy” only means they already had a rampant bout of failures or are about to have a fair share.  It’s different for everyone.  Stop comparing your life with others – everyone goes through it at different times.

Take a deep breath, take a moment to reflect on what went wrong and see if there’s a pattern.  Is there a particular action that consistently caused downfall?  Change it out for something else.  Modify it.  If you can’t find a singular element, experiment with change.  Change several things at once – change the entire thing.  Life is to be explored so don’t feel that there is a “right” way.  They are all right because they are all unique and part of the journey.

You are never a failure and always a being full of opportunity and exploration.  Enjoy the journey.  Yes, you will screw up.  Do it beautifully and big.  Learn, grow and move on.  These are moments in time – not who you are.

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Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂

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