ABSOLUTELY.  In fact, it’s possible that you’ll fare BETTER than a massive corporation with big pockets.

How could this be possible?  Search engines do not reward companies for making money.  They are solely concerned with finding the best content – the best answer – for their customers.  A search engine customer is anyone who types into the search bar.  Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo and all of the others are more interested in how your content will fit the needs of the searcher.  That’s it.  They don’t care if you made $1 or $100 million dollars last year.  And because of this, a small business has the advantage of competing – not simply with other small businesses – but with the large corporations themselves.

A Level Playing Field

Since the search engines are more concerned with relevancy of content over what you made or who you are, this levels the playing field across the board.  Digital marketing is now a valuable investment in your company.  By keeping active and checking off the requirements of search engine algorithms while you create content and grow your customer base, you can rise above competition.  It no longer becomes about how much money you have or how much you throw at your marketing but how you optimize your campaigns to meet these search engine algorithm requirements.  This applies not just to organic searches but Pay-Per-Click campaigns as well.  For instance, instead of fighting with everyone over the same two keywords, with more detailed research on your target consumer, their lives, their habits, keyword performance, etc., you can spend less on better search phrases.  You’ll end up picking up the slack and gaps created by bid wars over the same few sets of keywords.

Competing is easier when it’s based on relevancy, not revenue.

A Wider, More Targeted Reach

Everything seems to be focused online these days.  With advances in technology and needs created through our modern daily grind, more people complete tasks through the internet to make their lives easier.  For small businesses who may not have the budget for television and flashy ads in top magazines, this is truly a godsend.  You have the ability to reach far more people than you can imagine.  Even better is that, with research and some tweaking to your marketing strategy, you can reach people who are ACTUALLY interested in your business.

Most traditional forms of advertising cast too wide of a net – hoping to hit one out of a hundred that might want to buy your products.  With digital marketing, you can establish your target audience and, not simply sell to them, but build lasting bonds that forge customer loyalty for years to come.  You can target the exact consumer or location you have found in your research to be the most receptive to your product.  Another wonderful facet of digital marketing that helps you focus on your target consumer is the fact that you can track data in near real time.  You come to find out where your consumer gravitates online and what their screen habits are, making how and what you market to them a breeze.  This also helps you save a bit of time and money because you are utilizing a few channels constructively instead of throwing money at everything you can.

Speaking Of Money…

Digital marketing is one of the best returns-on-investment you can get.  This means you get far more out of it than what you put in.  This has to do with how the world has gravitated to living and working online as well as the very little overhead cost associated with digital marketing.  You can reach more targeted people within a reasonable budget than you can with traditional advertising.  For example, it takes little cost to run an email marketing campaign but this type of digital advertising can earn you nearly $44 for every $1 actually spent.

For a small business, budget is everything.  There isn’t simply endless amounts of cash to throw at marketing so the focus becomes avenues that work, work well and work for less.  This is why digital marketing and small business have such an amazing relationship.

In the end, digital marketing is a massive boost for the average small business.  It can help obtain more leads, sales and conversion increases for less than what you would spend on traditional marketing.  As technology advances and how we shop evolves, your business will find that digital marketing isn’t simply a godsend but a necessity.

If you still have questions or would like to get more information about our services,  simply click here >>> SEO Services Advertising Agency!

If you would like to see how to get a Free Website for Business, click here >>> Free Website!


We also offer online marketing and business websites in Los Angeles, Chicago and many more cities!

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