“Every Sale Has Five Obstacles: No Need, No Money, No Hurry, No Desire, No Trust.”  – Zig Ziglar
These truly are the only ways in which you wouldn’t secure a sale or closing.  Assuming you are polished in social skills and sales techniques, the rest comes down to your consumer.  With practice and experience, you can fully grasp the breadth of these obstacles and how to successfully overcome them.
No Need – If your consumer doesn’t see a reason for your product or service, they won’t be eager to buy it.  They have to understand how it will fit into their life and solve an issue or provide a benefit for them.  With no need apparent, they will not actively seek out your product.
No Money – Many times the case is simply that they can not afford the product or service.  There are many ways to overcome this obstacle, such as payment plans or deferred payment, but not being able to afford an item can cause a consumer to avoid it or disregard it.  Creating a burning desire for the need or benefit of the item can always motivate a consumer to save up or find ways to actively pursue it.  This is a multi-layered obstacle that should be examined based on the specific consumer or target base.

No Hurry – If there is plenty of your product lying around or they simply don’t need it right now, they may not see an urgency to purchase it.  Some companies create a scarcity mentality or have their sales message raise the desire for the item to try and motivate a consumer to purchase it now.

No Desire – It could be that the consumer is simply not interested or that your product needs more work and just isn’t desirable.  Whatever the reason, they don’t have a driving force inside of them to purchase the item.  Sometimes this is the product itself that needs more research, better packaging or more work.  It may also be that the person will never be interested in that type of product and you are pursuing the wrong target audience.  This is why heavy research and skilled marketers from the very beginning are crucial to your strategy.

No Trust – If your company isn’t well-known or doesn’t appear trustworthy, a consumer will back away from the sale.  They need to know that they can trust your company and why they can trust it.  This is why many companies choose to focus on separate brand marketing early on.  If you have client reviews, a history of great service or you may have won an award, those are definite features to highlight to a wary consumer.

The most important thing to remember is that you CAN overcome all of these obstacles.  It may just take a little experience and a whole lot of practice.

If you need expert marketers to help you navigate the delicate realm of promotion and consumer sales, contact us today


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