2020 has been rough on most business. With a global pandemic and forced shutdown that essentially put our economy on pause and caused massive change to the way we use goods and services. Your company may have learned to adapt, utilize online capabilities better and tweak your marketing campaigns to be more customer-centric over sales but, for those that have physical storefronts, how can you create an inviting workplace for both employees and customers?
No matter which side of the fence you stand on regarding Coronavirus, the fact remains that states have begun lifting restrictions – slowly. In Illinois, many stores and restaurants are running at half capacity or less. While we will eventually get to the point where all employees can return to work and businesses can function at 100%, the damage has already been done. The pandemic created a stigma for many Americans. Large crowds and lax social distancing habits make many nervous and can drive consumers from stores.
In order to get back into the swing of things, your employees and consumers need to feel safe and secure while working and shopping your goods or services. Here’s a quick checklist of ways you can create a safe workplace in the current environment of 2020…
- Stay Current On Orders From Your Governor, County and City
- Promote Frequent Hand Washing
- Keep Social Distancing Guidelines In Place
- Perform Consistent Routine Cleaning Of Entire Workplace
- Educate Employees on Proper Hygiene in Workplace
- Consider Contactless Thermometers At Entrance To Reduce Need For Additional PPE
You’d be surprised how easy these simple tips are to follow and implement into your company’s daily routine. Employees will be better protected and feel more secure in their environment, increasing productivity. An employee who feels that the company actually cares about them and their well-being instead of profits is more likely to return to work, stay and contribute their valuable skill-set. Customers will also feel less apprehensive about shopping at your location and likely to return more frequently no matter what restrictions are in place.
2020 has definitely thrown us all some curve-balls but, with a little flexibility and some planning, we can truly overcome.
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With a plethora of options available when it comes to advertising, your small business might just reap bigger rewards than both you and the competition realize!
Join us for the TGR SEO Services 2020 roundup and, on behalf of everyone here, have a joyous, abundant, prosperous, happy and healthy coming year!
The entire staff of TGR SEO Services would like to wish you a joyous holiday filled with love, happiness, glad tidings and good health!