Sunday Statistics – Search The Hood

  • 97% of people search online to find a local business
  • 46% of all Google searches seek out local information
  • 88% of mobile local business searches call or visit that store within 24 hours
  • 70% of customers visit a store based on information found on the internet


Key Takeaway: Every  Your consumers are in your backyard.  If your marketing isn’t targeted and succinct, you could be bypassing the clients in your neighborhood.  Digital marketing can be overwhelming but with proper guidance you can focus your budget more efficiently and make more of an impact with the people who count.  There are too many programs or companies promising quick results or cheap prices but they tend to cast a wide net in marketing and miss key opportunities for you to connect with and engage the right customer base.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions or call out your marketing firm for not pinpointing targets properly.  Your business can only increase revenue and successfully grow if your marketing is on point and working FOR you, not for any generic business that can fit into a shoddy template.  Your consumers are waiting!

Contact your local digital marketing agency today to get your product in front of your target audience immediately!

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12 Jan: Can A Small Business Benefit From Digital Marketing?

With a plethora of options available when it comes to advertising, your small business might just reap bigger rewards than both you and the competition realize!

Happy New Year  e1609266018664 thegem blog justified - Search The Hood
29 Dec: Have A Happy New Year!

Join us for the TGR SEO Services 2020 roundup and, on behalf of everyone here, have a joyous, abundant, prosperous, happy and healthy coming year!

Merry Christmas TGR SEO Services e1608665251952 thegem blog justified - Search The Hood
22 Dec: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

The entire staff of TGR SEO Services would like to wish you a joyous holiday filled with love, happiness, glad tidings and good health!

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