Marketing is content and content relies on precise research.  You need to know what your target audience is looking for in order to create compelling content that addresses it and leads them to your page in the the search results.  But how do you know just what to write about for your audience and to rise above the competition on Google?

Google Has Given You Breadcrumbs!

That’s right, Google will hand you the very answers you seek using it’s Autocomplete feature.

Have you ever noticed when you begin to type into the search bar, a list of possible searches pops up below it?  These are suggestions Google is giving you based on what you are starting to type into it.  These are search predictions based on what other people having been looking for.  If you type in “how to cut my”, you may see all sorts of results regarding things other users have searched how to cut.  The very question you may want to type might be in that list.  If it isn’t, you simply keep typing your request out and search it yourself.

This is EXTREMELY valuable insight when it comes to finding titles for your articles.

Remember, your article titles can also be important for SEO in search results.  This tells search engines, such as Google, what exactly your article is about and how you can help users.  If your article title is exactly what users are searching for online, this helps the search engines understand how relevant your content is for this niche.

Not only will Google Autocomplete help give you ideas for article titles but it can give you ideas for content you should be exploring.  The list of suggestions on Google Autocomplete are what a large amount of actual users are searching for.  If you create content that answers those questions, you provide value to those users and, not only will search engines rank you better, the users themselves will see you as a thought leader in that industry and continue to come back to you for answers in the future.

Google Autocomplete provides two birds – one stone.  You can not only get ideas for what to write down the road but you have titles perfect for SEO purposes.  This method alone will not raise you in search rankings but it provides a solid foundation to improve your site’s relevance and show the search engines and community users that you provide engaging content.


If you find yourself a little short on the time needed to launch a full scale marketing plan or feel like you might be missing something, give us a call and find out how we can help.


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