“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.”  – Oprah Winfrey

There is something special about a New Year.

For some reason, we are embodied with extra willpower and a much stronger mindset to get something done that we’ve been putting off.  Whether it’s the stigma of magic on this night or the excitement of new and fresh simply doesn’t matter.  We are far more likely to try new things at the beginning of a year.

While you should be doing this throughout the year regardless, we’ll take advantage of the holiday hype.  Yes, you should be tossing out tired ideas or processes and focusing on how to expand, grow or change your current situation.  In business, try that new idea you’ve been teasing.  If something isn’t working – be it a product or program – look at it and ask, should it be fixed or should it be scrapped and something new implemented. Don’t be afraid to make drastic changes because that’s how you learn.

It’s often the road to success as well.

Never be disappointed about returning to the drawing board.  Success isn’t one thing. It’s a serious of failures that have been ripped apart and reassembled.  If it doesn’t work, decide if it needs to be set aside and reassembled or if it’s hogging your focus that should be given to new, fresh ideas.

Enjoy your 2020.

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