When Life Shuts A Door, Open It Again. It’s A Door. That’s How They Work.”  – Unknown

2020 has been a whirlwind so far.  From Coronavirus and riots to elections and economic uncertainty, no one is surprised at this point when utter disaster occurs.  The downside is that all of this tension and confusion has cast a negative cloud over the heads of many.  While it is completely understandable to be concerned about finances and stability, it’s important to be strong and believe that better days are coming swiftly.

As this quote so aptly puts it – don’t be concerned about slinking around and hoping other opportunities pop up – a window or patio door – simply forge ahead and seize your future.  Stay strong and realize that you are not alone.  So many others are in the same boat as you.  Letting sadness overtake you isn’t going to pay the bills or lead to a brighter future.  Banding together and storming ahead is the way to go.

Can you freelance your skills?  Do you have a hobby – such as mask making – that might fetch some moola for commissions?  Can you find opportunities within your company to branch out – perhaps taking on a different role until your position is need again?  Contact your mortgage company, utility companies, phone company and ask for moratoriums or extensions.  Many places are offering aid programs to help skate through this period.

The quote above can mean so many different things depending on the situation and may call out differently to the individual but, I believe, at this point in time, that it means to stay the course – to kick open that door of financial opportunity and stability.  That we must forge our own opportunities instead of falling back and frantically searching for a scrap, especially in a time when 2020 is trying to force us out.

From everyone here at TGR SEO Services, wash your hands, stay safe and help us get this lockdown over and done with!

If you have a product or service that can help others during the Coronavirus pandemic, you may want to read this.

If you’re worried about how your business can survive the quarantine, take a look at this.

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Join us for the TGR SEO Services 2020 roundup and, on behalf of everyone here, have a joyous, abundant, prosperous, happy and healthy coming year!

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