“90% of selling is conviction and 10% is persuasion.”  – Shiv Khera

If you don’t believe in your product or service, why should anyone else?

Selling isn’t a tactic.  It isn’t about manipulating the consumer into spending money.  Selling is simply transferring your enthusiasm for the product to them – getting them hyped about its purpose and what it can do for them.  Persuading them that YOUR product is the one for them is a tiny sliver of that pie.

It all starts with why your product exists.  Build a product or form a service that answers a very real need in the world.  Is there a problem you can help solve or alleviate?  Once you create a product from that concept, it will essentially sell itself.  You and your sales team shouldn’t have to fake excitement about the product or service because you should be proud of what it can do and how it can help.  This enthusiasm, this pride in the product, can be infectious.  Selling is all about sharing that attitude with your buyer.

Once the consumer understands how a product truly works and why it can truly help, they’ll become more open to the idea of using it themselves.  Only create products or services that you believe in.  Stand behind what you produce and only sell what you have true conviction for.  This is the difference in sales.

Sales is about feeling.  If the consumer feels how strongly you believe in your product and stand behind its purpose, they are more likely to see themselves using it.

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