Face it, if you’re stressed out during quarantine, how can you possibly give your best to strengthening your business and keeping it afloat?
Luckily, the quarantine will NOT last forever. There will be a day when everything opens back up and we can frolic in the green grass with friends, family and random strangers. Until that sweet day, you may need a few stress relievers to keep the blood pressure down and keep your mind back in the game. Here are a few of our TGR SEO Services staff recommendations:
- Take Breaks From The News – Not just the news but social media platforms like Facebook. This is a time where everyone is rapidly sharing negative, and sometimes, misinformed news and opinions. Unplug. Take a break and breathe. Delegate only a certain amount of time each day that you scroll for entertainment or watch the news and use the rest of your time for self-care.
- Clean House – Okay, I’m sure you clean regularly anyway but this is a great time to organize. If it’s not sentimental or a collectible worth something and you haven’t used it in a year, toss it. Organize and sort your paperwork, kids art or even the junk drawer. Not only will it distract you from heaping anxiety, seeing the order when you finished will make you feel accomplished and amp up your good vibes.
- Try Something New – Whether you learn a new language or try crocheting, take the time to learn a new skill or hobby. It will keep you stimulated and relieve boredom and anxiety.
- Sharpen Current Skills – Maybe you’re a web developer who could benefit from catching up on new tricks or a welder that could benefit from learning about the latest industry tools. Whatever your profession, chances are that you could do a little research online or order some materials to read up on new processes and equipment in your field. It might just open up a new opportunity down the line!
- Go Outside – You can still go for a run or walk around your neighborhood and take in some fresh air. As long as you observe the 6 foot rule, you’re golden. If that’s too nerve-wracking for you, head out into your back yard, front yard or common green space. Run laps, do some cartwheels or meditate in the sunshine. Whatever will help get the blood pumping or ease your mind.
- Be Creative – This is also a great time to dabble in the arts. Writing, painting, sculpting – whatever you feel, get it out through a medium. Art isn’t about being good or bad, it’s about expressing yourself and feeling free. Let go and free your mind!
As we head into the weekend, try out a few of these tips and relieve that built-up stress. Keep in mind that we won’t be in quarantine forever so take advantage of the extra time before your hectic life kicks back in. Stay safe, wash your hands, respect social distancing and be nice to one another – we’re all in the same boat!
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Join us for the TGR SEO Services 2020 roundup and, on behalf of everyone here, have a joyous, abundant, prosperous, happy and healthy coming year!
The entire staff of TGR SEO Services would like to wish you a joyous holiday filled with love, happiness, glad tidings and good health!