“Google Only Loves You When Everyone Else Loves You First.”  – Wendy Piersall
You can optimize your site all you want, accumulate backlinks like crazy and create rock solid content but that is only half the battle.  Google, and other search engines, pay attention to what the USER is doing and how they are interacting with your website.  If users actually click onto your site and look around, perhaps even engage with comments or call-to-actions, Google pays attention.
The search engines notice if people are immediately leaving your site within seconds of arriving and if they are pursuing other sites on the same topic after you.  This signals to the search engines that your site is NOT providing the answers a user is seeking and might not be that valuable.  Sites considered a “waste” of searcher’s time drop in the rankings and aren’t given much stock on that particular topic.
If you can keep people on your website by reading all the different articles you have linked together on the same topic, fulfilling a call-to-action sequence, sharing your content on social media, contributing in comments, completely answering all questions a user might have on a particular subject, etc., your site appears to provide useful information to the masses and will flourish in the search results for that topic.

By creating that flurry of activity and level of engagement, you are showing the search engines that people find great value in your site and “love” you.  Once Google sees that you are a friend of its users, you become a friend of Google.


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