“More Business Is Lost Every Year Through Neglect Than Through Any Other Cause.”  – Rose Kennedy

Customers want to feel appreciated.  They want to feel good about where they spend their money.  If they feel cast aside by the company taking their money, they will find a better relationship in the competition.

There is never a reason to ostracize your audience.  Consumers are the backbone of your business.  Without the money they provide, your company will cease to exist.  In this day and age, customer service is of the utmost importance.  Personalized marketing, attentive care, urgent response to need – these are all things the modern customer comes to expect from their shopping experience.  Anything less than this can alienate and even push away your core consumer.

Sure, other areas of your business demand focus – research, development, marketing, placement, etc. – but if you look at the heart of every category that comprises your company, it centers around the consumer.  By giving them a feeling of appreciation and value to your business, they feel that what they do and say matters and it empowers them to make better buying decisions and to influence their peers.  Having faulty customer service, a tired script, little resolution, hard-to-reach reps, generic marketing and no incentives is the fastest way to LOSE business.

Never neglect your consumer.  They are the reason you exist and the essence of every category your business focuses on.  If you turn them sour, expect them to find it sweeter with your competitor.

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