What Is Live Chat?

Live chat is just what it sounds like.  It’s a chat program with a live human being standing by to answer any questions or concerns your consumers or visitors to your website may have.  Many chat systems have pre-programmed script run by a computer to answer client questions.  This can be extremely off putting because many people want to speak to someone real.  Not only do they want someone who is able to answer unusual queries and out-of-left-field situations but they crave the connection forged by human interaction.

As time goes on, customer service has been evolving based on the needs and requirements of a rapidly rising internet commerce audience.  The more we rely on gathering our research and/or buying online, the more we expect out of customer service offered by companies.  While faceless chat bots worked well 5 years ago, the demand for more personalized experiences is here and now.  Companies that use faceless chat bots are often seen as uncaring, detached or money-hungry.  In order to change this harsh, cold image, many companies from small mom and pop’s to large corporations are opting to reconstruct their customer service model and increase the human to human interaction.

While you understand that human interaction is key to retaining customers and solving complex issues, how can you deliver great service without breaking the bank?

At SEO Services Advertising Agency, we believe that amazing customer service shouldn’t be out of reach for anyone.  It doesn’t matter your marketing budget, goals or company size – you should be able to take care of your customers at a rate that you can easily afford.  Our $1 per hour for 24/7 service is one of the best prices available today.  Take a look at our unbeatable prices by CLICKING HERE.  Our options can be completely customized so if you only need a dedicated Representative for certain days or set hours, consider it done.  We install the chat service on your site, maintain it and provide our own specially trained professionals that can answer questions, resolve issues or even guide clients into your company sales funnel.  Our pros can troubleshoot and respond to complex human emotions better than any chat bot so why not give your customers the best experience possible?

On top of our premiere customer live chat service, we also offer the option for a Dedicated Knowledge Base.  With adaptive and constantly learning protocols, this Knowledge Base will retain all information regarding your company products, services and procedures that are necessary for answering customer questions or even troubleshooting service issues.  Our pros can easily look up the crucial information and keep delivering the amazing customer service your clients will love.  Now that’s what we call fantastic customer service!

Trained, compassionate professionals answering your customer’s questions and concerns 24/7 for $1 an hour?  We install, maintain and fine-tune the software?  Sounds like an epic WIN!

When You Are Ready To Get Started On Your New Chat Service, Click Here >>> SEO Services Advertising Agency!

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