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“We Generate Fears While We Sit.  We Overcome Them By Action.”  – Dr. Henry Link

There are two very familiar paths of fear laced into starting a business or becoming an entrepreneur.  While not a complete list of what holds someone back or can cause obstacles, these are a very common purgatory for many.  One is by waiting until everything is perfect before you launch and the second is becoming intimidated by what a journey might entail.

The first is dangerous because nothing will ever be perfect.  If we all waited until the stars aligned, we had cash pouring out of our ears, our personal and professional lives were copacetic and we created the perfect product or service, then nothing on the face of planet earth in the history of time would ever have happened.  Life itself is risk and chance.  You have to step up and have faith in yourself to take the leap.  Sure, get as much as you can in place but waiting for a perfect alignment of every factor will only cause you frustration, pain and heartache.

Of course, something most can relate to is the fear of starting at all.  Our imaginations often run wild and vary quite dramatically with what reality truly is.  While it will take hard work and perseverance to achieve your goals, the journey there seems harrowing.  It seems so disastrous and drawn out that we don’t bother attempting to start in the first place.  We’ve just allowed fear to win and our lives to be governed by it.

By simply diving in and getting to work, the fear dissipates.  Mostly this is due to the fact that our minds are so full of what we are doing and where we need to go next that we don’t have time to worry and fret.  It also has to do with the fact that we are going for it and surprising ourselves with what we can accomplish when we try.

No matter what fear has overtaken, you can quickly kick it to the curb by simply jumping into the fray.

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