Have you been checking your website recently? Happen to notice that you are NOT ranking in the top 10 for most of your main keywords? Google and other critical search engines change, or perfect, their algorithm so a lot of techniques that used to work end up falling terribly short these days.
If you know how to tackle these issues and bring your website up in the rankings as well as increase your company/brand visibility, you are made in the shade. But what if you don’t possess that knowledge? What if you don’t possess the time not only to absorb the full education but to implement it daily?
There are a few key things you can fix on your site to increase performance such as
- Title, Meta and Alt/Image Tag Optimization
- Targeted Keywords Not Utilized Correctly
- Structured Markup Data Not Followed and Google Publisher Missing
- Website Speed and Mobile Responsiveness
- UX User Interface and Design Flawed
- Lacking Optimized and High-Quality Content and Mediums
But that won’t keep you on top.
Part of what makes you rise in search rankings and makes you more important on Google is search engine optimization and search engine marketing. The items listed above will help give you a solid footing but you need CONTENT.
The LARGEST part of digital marketing now and even more so in 2020 is content creation. It’s not about pumping out posts or how much you say. It’s about WHAT you say. If you don’t provide high quality, valuable information on a CONSISTENT basis, then Google lowers your rank and doesn’t pay attention to you.
Content creation just so happens to be our passion. We are veteran copywriters, experienced marketers and professional visual designers that know what Google wants and just how to feed it. If you have noticed that there are some simple issues that need to be fixed fast on your site and that you have some fierce competition online, we’re positive that we can help.
If you would like to talk to any of us here at TGR SEO Service Company and see what we can do for you and your business, please reach out. If you like what we have, we can actually run a complete SEO Audit for you for FREE. They usually run about a thousand bucks most anywhere you go but we offer them free for new clients.
Totally up to you but we would love the chance to rocket your company up the charts and create a lasting impression for your signature brand. Worth getting more info on, right?
Are You Ready To Work With An Online Marketing Agency That Understands How To Build Relationships and Brands Simultaneously? Then Simply Click Here >>> SEO Services Advertising Agency!
If you would like to see how to get a Free Website for Business, click here >>> Free Website!
We also offer online marketing and business websites in Los Angeles, Chicago and many more cities!
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With a plethora of options available when it comes to advertising, your small business might just reap bigger rewards than both you and the competition realize!
Join us for the TGR SEO Services 2020 roundup and, on behalf of everyone here, have a joyous, abundant, prosperous, happy and healthy coming year!
The entire staff of TGR SEO Services would like to wish you a joyous holiday filled with love, happiness, glad tidings and good health!