“Sell-sell-sell sales methods simply do not work on social media.”  – Kim Garst

The days of pushy sales pitches and hard sells might just be dead.

Today, technology has made it easier for shoppers to buy whatever they want from wherever they want.  They can research a product in a matter of minutes and have it arrive at their doorstep in a day or two.  This shift has put the power back in the hands of consumers.  What this means for companies trying to sell products and services is that they need to understand what the consumer is expecting and exceed that.

In other words, shoppers have shown that they want personalization, special attention and the utmost care.  They are put off by sales pitches and want information instead.  They avoid bots like the plague and frequent competitors who offer live reps, the human interaction they seek for solutions to delicate problems.  Face it, a computer simply can’t understand how someone might be feeling in that moment and how to find a unique work around to solve that problem.

Since the customers demand a certain level of care, they are keen on interacting with the brands they love.  Social media provides the perfect outlet for them to connect on a deeper level with the products and creators that they adore.  The advent of social media has made it easy to share opinions, emotions, information and provide a person with a deeper sense of belonging.  It is definitely NOT the place to become a used car salesman and try to pressure or coerce sales.  Not only will the customers turn tail and find someone who understands them better but they will share their unpleasant experience across your target audience and cause others to rethink doing business with you.

Using social media in your marketing campaigns is one of the smartest things you can do but it is a place to focus on building closer relationships with your market, establishing yourself as a thought leader and providing support.

Pay attention to what you say and how you present your company on social media or you may just find yourself repelling the very customers you wish to attract.

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