Planning a mult-faceted strategy, hiring a digital marketing agency to implement it and improving your customer service programs are huge components of increasing your revenue and brand awareness but you are likely missing out on one of the easiest and biggest boosters in the game.  Encouraging consumers to share their experience.

Of course, you may tell customers to leave reviews or fill out surveys to rate your quality of service but are you TRULY capitalizing on happy client experiences?

Word of mouth is still a MAJOR decision in consumer buying decisions.  People will scroll through pages of reviews to get a feel for how your product or service handles in the real world.  Potential buyers are much more likely to visit your establishment or try your product if they are seeing their friends rave about you or posting pics from a positive experience they just had.  The reality is that getting reviews can be hard.  It isn’t because they don’t like your product but more in the fact that people get distracted easily and forget or the process of leaving a review isn’t all that simple and they grow tired of trying.

Here are a few quick ways you can encourage folks to share their thoughts:

Rewards: People LOVE rewards.  By offering a free drink, accessory, etc. from your business, it sweetens the pot for folks to take a few minutes and fill out a survey.  Be cautious in what you offer – you can’t pay each consumer a cash incentive for a review.  Many sites shun this practice and may even penalize you.  You CAN, however, offer entry into a contest where there is a cash reward.  Be sure that your incentive is valuable to clients.  5% off may not stoke much attention but buying one and getting one free just might tip the scales.

Reminders:  Again, people forget.  So, remind them.  Make sure you have a sentence or two about leaving a review on your invoices, emails, receipts, etc.  If they are on a text message list for your business, send out a push message every so often.  You can even mention the incentive earned.  Another great way to remind folks is to send out friendly postcards, put stickers on your door or leave a countertop display reminding people to leave reviews, check in or tag photos.

Ask, Ask, Ask:  Ask EVERYONE for reviews.  Post it on your social media accounts and ask each customer that makes a purchase.  Over 70% of people will leave a review if personally asked to.

And the best for last…

Make It Easy:  Folks want simple.  Don’t have them jump through hoops just to leave a review.  The more complicated the process, the less likely they are to take action.  If they must go to a url to leave a review, make it a short and simple link.  If you are sending out digital correspondence, include a link.  One of the best ways to gain reviews quickly and efficiently is by leaving a tablet near the registers in which a customer can use to leave feedback instantly.  Either have it on the edge of the counter near the registers or have a dedicated space where customers can stop by and jot down their thoughts.  The easier you make the process, the more likely someone will be to do it.

By creating special focus for customer reviews, you can boost the marketing being conducted and provide a stronger foundation for future campaigns.

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