“Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you’re going to do now and do it.”  – William Durant

What tends to hinder success is the constant mulling over of failure.  True, we should learn from mistakes but understand what went wrong and swiftly move on.  Lingering on mistakes made and how to prevent them will likely stop you from freely creating a better opportunity.  When you understand a mistake made, add it to the list of fine tuning for the next go ’round but be willing to think outside of the box and experiment.  Don’t be afraid of those failures or assume that if you don’t follow an exact path, you’ll never see it succeed.

You have to be present, to live in the moment.  Embrace what’s around you now and expand upon it.  Don’t get caught worrying over exact processes or perfection.  Perfection is fleeting.  Perfection leaves no room for possibility.  Set an action for yourself and complete it.  As YODA said, “Do Or Do Not.  There Is No Try.”

Mistakes can be learned from but take care that you do not make them a burden you have to bear.

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