“The Secret Of Change Is To Focus All Your Energy Not On Fighting The Old But On Building The New.”  – Socrates, Character from the book “Way of the Peaceful Warrior”

What this means is to ignore your current state and focus on the future state.

Of course, we are simply speaking in the context of making a change in your business direction, practices, services or products.  If you need to get to Z, if that is where your customers are or where your product needs to adapt and evolve to, then stop pondering how A, the spot you’re in now, is decaying around you.  Simply begin building anew immediately.

By keeping your head space on reconstruction and not lamenting the failure, you can rise higher and stronger than before.  It is important to understand what went wrong in order to improve but don’t get caught up in trying to slap band-aids on a failing product or practice and try to keep it afloat.  If it isn’t working, it needs to be overhauled.  Stop trying to have it limp along and simply retire it completely for the better concept.

Identify that room for improvement exists and go gung-ho into that action plan.  Change is tough.  We tend to want comfort and stability over the unknown and are fearful of what it will entail.  Because of this reaction we tend to cling to things until they are rags of what they once were.  This is NOT how you promote positive change within yourself or your company.  Your mindset needs to switch to leaving the old (not working concepts) behind to turn into dust so you can pave a new path and step that much closer to success.

If a situation is floundering and keeps requiring band-aids just to barely hang on, it’s a pretty good indicator that you need to knock it down to the studs and completely rebuild.

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