Sunday Statistics – Care and Resolution

  • 59% of Americans believe customer service through social media makes it easier to get issues resolved and questions answered
  • 86% of consumers prefer an honest, authentic brand personality on social networks
  • Over 3 billion people around the world are on social media


Key Takeaway:  In a nutshell, this means that your customer service game has to be on the next level.  Since consumers vote with their dollar, they understand they have choices and don’t have to settle for a lousy experience.  More people are using social media to find out information or contact a company for issue resolution than ever before.  Being easily accessible and troubleshooting as thoroughly as one can are critical in today’s customer care.  Having canned, generic answers off of scripts and bots or sending a customer elsewhere in search of answers will leave a sour taste in their mouth and make them feel unappreciated.  This is dangerous for businesses because an unappreciated consumer will go to your competition instead.

Make sure you focus a large part of your company on customer care.  Have well-trained and compassionate staff willing to go above and beyond to retain a loyal customer and in-depth strategies to get every problem that could possibly occur solved quickly and efficiently.  Customers want answers and they want to feel appreciated by you.  Make it happen or watch your competition grab your revenue and reduce your company’s longevity.

Contact your local digital marketing agency today to increase your brand reputation and implement amazing customer care tools into your overall customer service strategy!

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