“Paying attention to simple little things that most men neglect makes a few men rich.”  – Henry Ford

It comes down to the tiniest details.

Whether it’s a product or service that you offer, learn everything you can about where previous models of this idea were flawed.  Carefully consider them, test, re-test and make it work.  It may not be as grand as formulating a hot new product or providing an unbeatable service but every tweak you make now goes towards building a foundation for the right one.  The depth of your foundation determines the height and success of your project.  Focus on strengthening weak areas may not be glamorous but it paves the path for success.  For everything to just work.

Most folks are so caught up in larger details – say the production of a baseball, the materials that go into it, the stitching, etc. – that they don’t realize fine-tuning all of the smaller ones is just as critical – say determining the perfect color to be seen in blinding sun and looming darkness.  Taking the time to perfect even the tiniest glitch shows the customer you care and makes them feel more secure about the quality of the product.  This leads to lifelong customers.

While everyone is chasing the glamour of a sleek new product or service, focus on how you can improve each tiny detail that goes into it to create better quality.

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