Sunday Statistics – The No Click Phenomenon

  • 61% of mobile searches and 34% of desktop searches result in no click

Key Takeaway:  No Click is what we call it when a person types something into a search engine and gets the answer they seek without ever having to go to a website.  This has been made possible by Google implementing such tools as feature snippets, knowledge graphs, carousels, local packs and more.  This doesn’t mean that your advertising is for the birds, it means you have to navigate how you market better than before.

Hire a local marketing agency or task your in-house team with putting a focus on taking advantage of the no click phenomenon.  Sure, you won’t get the website traffic but you will establish yourself as a thought leader and have searchers recognizing that you provide useful information.  This comes in terribly handy in the future when they need to use a product or service that you provide, need a recommendation for friends and family or are looking for more research on a subject that you gladly provide on your website.

Contact your local digital marketing agency today to increase your brand reputation and implement amazing customer care tools into your overall customer service strategy!

Can A Small Business Benefit From Digital Marketing e1610475605838 thegem blog justified - The No Click Phenomenon
12 Jan: Can A Small Business Benefit From Digital Marketing?

With a plethora of options available when it comes to advertising, your small business might just reap bigger rewards than both you and the competition realize!

Happy New Year  e1609266018664 thegem blog justified - The No Click Phenomenon
29 Dec: Have A Happy New Year!

Join us for the TGR SEO Services 2020 roundup and, on behalf of everyone here, have a joyous, abundant, prosperous, happy and healthy coming year!

Merry Christmas TGR SEO Services e1608665251952 thegem blog justified - The No Click Phenomenon
22 Dec: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

The entire staff of TGR SEO Services would like to wish you a joyous holiday filled with love, happiness, glad tidings and good health!

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