“You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.”  – Zig Ziglar

By helping your employees, your customers, heck – even your competitors, be the best they can be, you will achieve more than you thought possible.

Sounds crazy, right?  Not at all.  By sharing of yourself, whether it’s knowledge, opportunity or sheer kindness, pays off greater than any holiday bonus ever could.  Helping your customers save money, use products better or simply navigate life easier makes you stand out as an expert.  You become someone they trust.  This trust leads to loyalty and a lifetime of sales.  All simply because you cared enough to listen to them and help them through to the other side.

Fostering an environment of growth and opportunity for your employees not only helps them but your company.  They have a chance to take their skills and expand or flourish in areas in which they have natural talent.  Every great leader understands that they need to outsource their weaknesses to someone who has them as a strength.  This only creates a more solid and prosperous foundation for your company and opens up doors for expansion and limitless possibility.  Not only will the employee be able to show off their skills but they’ll feel good in doing so and have more pride in themselves and their work.  Not only does this make your product better and company stronger but keeps a happier atmosphere for everyone else.

Helping your competitors sounds nuts, doesn’t it?  Knock that thought right out of the park.  Certainly don’t give your secret sauce recipe away but you can share industry knowledge that betters service for all consumers.  By sharing research about the industry or perfecting a safer and healthier way of doing something that benefits consumers is critical.  For instance, Volvo gave away it’s patent for three point seat belts because it understood how such an invention was vital for all car manufacturers to implement.  It saved lives and protected consumers.  When they shared this knowledge with their competition, they made the world a safer place.  It didn’t take away their business but helped everyone stay on the same page about how to care for each other.

Truly, helping others is the best way to care for your own mind, body and spirit.  Not only will you feel better in the long run, you will be building lasting relationships that strengthen your company and your longevity.  You will be seen as a leader and bestowed loyalty and accreditation that helps you soar in business.  It really is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

By opening up and supporting others, you unlock the door to success both personally and in business.

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