“Repetition Makes Reputation And Reputation Makes Customers.” – Florence Nightingale Graham, Elizabeth Arden
You can change the channels you use to market, the message each campaign will have, slogans and content but make sure they stay consistent with your brand.
Some companies say they grow tired of seeing the same logo everyday and think their audience must feel the same way. This is not the case. Consumers grow attached to brands and the way these brands make them feel. It’s alright to refresh your colors or update your message and, of course, you want to introduce fresh content and brand new marketing but keep it consistent across the board. Make sure the new ideas you introduce still represent the voice and feel of your brand.
By keeping the same great service, logo, identity and culture, current and prospective clients all know what they can expect from your company. You will retain the trustworthiness and reliability that your company has fought so hard to build in the first place. Customers crave familiarity so be careful not to lose this feeling throughout your marketing.
Most of the time, you simply need to update old ideas, make your logo more contemporary or revise colors instead of completely dismantling and rebuilding. Keep up with today’s trends and expectations without losing sight of who your company is and what it stands for.
Breed familiarity with your brand and keep it consistent across the board and over time. This builds your reputation which snags customers in the first place. Make tweaks – don’t yank the rug of familiarity completely out from under them.
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Join us for the TGR SEO Services 2020 roundup and, on behalf of everyone here, have a joyous, abundant, prosperous, happy and healthy coming year!
The entire staff of TGR SEO Services would like to wish you a joyous holiday filled with love, happiness, glad tidings and good health!